The IBE Project

SBM launch a new project for the student – called IBE – or – Integrated Business Experience
we – SBM students – splitted into 4 groups and make a company there, first step is doin’ a meeting for a plan to make new company and bla bla bla…..

from my experience and suggestion from my friend, i decided to make a journal for my self – and maybe my friends will contribute too…

you can access this journal at

for this time i cannot buy a domain for that journal, so i make a new subdomain for the journal, because i didn’t want to annoy some people here who only want to read some “racauan” from me..

and i think buying a new domain for this time is very wasted thing, because the rates of IDR by USD is getting lower, so i must pay much for buying some “sucks” thing like that.

i am waiting for your suggestion…

4 responses

  1. You can always use a .info domain you know… it’s alot cheaper 😉

  2. #1 thankyou Oskar, but seemly .info still had a problem if accessed from inside ITB, i dont know where the mistakes, but i only found the problem for users using the Internet Explorer.

    and actually .info is un-familiar domain for people, most of them only recognise a dot com and net domain…

  3. maaf, saya salah nulis, seharusnya Integrative Business Experience

  4. sepi banget itu jurnal.. ga ada yang mau ikutan ngisi.. padahal udah pake drupal…

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